Wedding MBA Convention September 22 2014, 0 Comments
Tanya Pedersen, graphic designer and owner of Design Pro, along with in-house copywriter and proofreader Dawn Pedersen, attended the 11th Annual Wedding MBA (Merchants Business Academy) Convention in Las Vegas, NV Sept. 16-18. Over 2,000 wedding professionals representing each state and over 20 countries attended the three-day event.
This year’s convention featured over 60 innovative seminars presented by the top leaders in the wedding industry, such as The Knot, WeddingWire, Perfect Wedding Guide, TLC Network, Martha Stewart Weddings, and more. Speakers engaged attendees at the Las Vegas Convention Center with a variety of topics ranging from insights on wedding planning trends and preferences to the ever-changing world of technology.
Since 2008, Design Pro has provided custom wedding and event invitations and stationery from Suite 25 in the Lincolnland Building in Effingham. Additional information can be found at or by contacting Pedersen at or 217-342-3946.

Mattson Baby Shower February 18 2014, 0 Comments
I had the pleasure of working with Beth Andes and her daughter Kirsten Mattson again recently. This marks the fourth event we’ve collaborated on -- Kirsten’s bridal shower, Kirsten and Eric’s St. Louis wedding, the couple’s gender reveal party, and now their baby shower.
Beth is one of my favorite clients to work with. She knows what she wants and comes in prepared, yet she is still open to new ideas. Meeting with Beth is a high energy brainstorming session. Ideas are thrown out in rapid fire succession until the perfect party is planned.
Beth has said she cannot imagine an event without a theme. Kirsten and Eric, who are expecting a daughter, are avid St. Louis Cardinals fans and wanted to incorporate the baseball team into their theme. Beth thought to “feminize” the theme by adding pink and red polka dots and hearts.
Everything, from the invitations to the décor, came together beautifully, as you can see from the photos taken by Kate Key.
The shower was held at Tuscan Hills Winery. We designed a drink ticket which was given to each guest upon arrival to be used for a delicious glass of wine of their choice. Cards were printed identifying the scrumptious dishes catered by Joe’s. A large sign welcoming Baby Emily to Cardinals Nation, which Kirsten plans to display outside the baby’s room, was hung above the refreshments table. We also provided cards for the lovely candy buffet featuring cake pops and cookies decorated with the St. Louis Cardinals/baseball/pink/red theme.
While Kirsten opened her many beautifully decorated gifts, the guests played Baby Shower Bingo. We designed the game sheets with the letters “E-M-I-L-Y” replacing the typical BINGO. Guests shouted “EMILY” when they filled a line and were rewarded a wine ticket, which we also designed, which could be exchanged for a bottle of wine.
Also during the gift opening, a binder entitled “Coaches’ Advice for the Mom On Deck,” which we created with pages watermarked with “STL,” was passed around for the guests to fill in their advice for the mom-to-be.
Beth and Kirsten didn’t forget about the several children who were in attendance. They were occupied by a duck pond they created with a Cardinals tub filled with little ducks bearing pink and red hearts with prizes given for picking the lucky duck.
In keeping with the theme, the tables were decorated with pink-and-white-striped popcorn boxes adorned with a cute ribbon and baseball sticker which we designed. Boxes filled with an assortment of candies and a mini red or pink antibacterial hand gel and lip balm were placed at each guest’s seat.
No matter where you looked in the party room, there was something that demonstrated Beth and Kirsten’s creativity. Cardinals onesies and dresses hung from a clothesline under the fireplace mantel, while Cardinal baby board books and other gear were scattered around the cheerful room.
Two things are for certain. Number one, Baby Emily Mattson is going to be one lucky little girl. And number two, Grandma-to-be Beth Andes really knows how to throw a party! And we at Design Pro are so happy to be a part of the process and to have such wonderful clients who are also our friends.
Venue: Tuscan Hills Winery
Photographer: Kate Key Photography
Invitations and Graphic Design: Design Pro
Catering: Joe’s Pizza & Pasta
Cake Pops and Cookies: Lisa’s Pastry Sensations